Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Dinosaur Footprint?

On October 6, an article was published saying dinosaur footprints that were made about 150 million years ago were discovered in France. The actual discovery was in April by a science society that specials in geology and paleontology. Paleontology is the study of fossils, and geology is the study of a science that deals with history of the earth and life, and is usually discovered in rocks. The footprints are 1.5 to 2 meters wide. The scientists believe they belong to a Sauropod. The most well known sauropod is the diplodocus, which has a long neck and tail, and weighed about 30 to 40 tons. The footprints were discovered during soil erosion when wood unloading operations were taking place. The footprints were made into a mold of calcified mud, and then once that was dried, it was covered with another layer of the mud. The mud has dried now, and it’s an excellent way to preserve the footprint. Scientists want to find more footprints, so they will find out more about why the dinosaurs were in that region. They think they might have been looking for food, but they want more information to make a correct explanation.
This article was interesting because these footprints could lead scientists to discover more evidence about why the dinosaurs were there, and what they were doing. This could enhance our knowledge because with study we would have a better idea of what the dinosaurs were like because they don't exist today, and we can only rely on fossils and evidence from people before our time, so finding information ourselves will make the dinosaurs more clear. I thought this article was very interesting and I can’t wait to find out more about the footprints in future discoveries.

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