Saturday, September 26, 2009

Artic Region Melting

The article I picked is about the Arctic melting as an effect of global warming. It is a very sensitive environment and it is drastically changing because of the climate. The average temperature in the Arctic region is rising twice as fast than anywhere in the world. The polar ice cap itself is shrinking very fast. The Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, the largest glacier in the world, started melting in 2000 and now has a crack right down the middle and will eventually break into pieces. This climate change is also affecting wildlife such as polar bears, seals, whales, and walrus. They are struggling to find food and are starving to death. The melting ice will also affect outside of the polar region. The water that comes from the melted ice caps will pour over and flood the continental plates. This is the worst possible thing that can happen. If this does happen, possibly all of humanity will die or almost all of it. We need to protect the Arctic or the consequences will be brutal.

I found this article interesting because it is going on today and people need to be aware of what is going on, because it will eventually affect us if we don't do something about it. Officials like Al Gore are trying to make a plan to save the Arctic, but there needs to be something done soon, or else polar bears will go extinct. Not only polar bears, but many other animals will be wiped off the face of the Earth. We have to stop the ice caps from melting or all of humanity will be destroyed.
