The article explained how green rooftop gardens in urban areas can help our environment and cities. An example would be water flow problems. When rainwater comes down it usually hits roofs and runs down the downspouts which causes it to hit the ground fast. This overwhelms sewage treatment centers taking up a lot of energy and polluting rivers. The green roofs show how using earth science can cut down on reliance on physical science. In other words, green roofs are estimated to reduce electricity in urban cities like Toronto by 5 - 15%. Rather than have rainfall go down storm drains, roof gardens use the rainwater for plant growth which increases levels of oxygen. Roof gardens are estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto by 2.4 megatons per year. Many cities in countries around the world including Japan, England and the United States are getting creative with roof gardens. The cost of planting and piping for roof gardens is high, but over the years it is worth the investment.
This article related to what we have learned about Earth and Environmental Science - plant life can be converted to uses in our lives beyond providing us food. If we use this more often, we will save energy, save money, and learn a little science. I did this article because I was interested in the science relation to the energy crisis in the world. This also uses our current study of energy in the real world. This is an interesting part of science, and I would like to learn more about it.
