Saturday, November 29, 2008

Canadian Meteor Found

Here is the graduate student who got to Saskatchewan ahead of our own ambitious and intrepid explorer, T.L.

Read the full story including the original pictures or the Associated Press story about a University of Calgary graduate student, Ellen Milley and her teacher, Alan Hildebrand who found several meteor fragments near the Battle River along Alberta-Saskatchewan border, near the city of Lloydminster late Thursday.

View Larger Map
Well, it would have been a long drive for T.L. anyway.
Zoom the map to see that the largest nearby American city is Great Falls, MT.

So should we be afraid of meteors? Cornell University's Astronomy department says not to worry.
In the 4th paragraph they refer to the K-T event . Can you tell me what that is?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Meteor crashes into Canada

The video of the meteor flashing across the Canadian sky really sparked a lot of interest.

(Get it SPARKED!!)
So what's next? Wait for Mr. Hazen to find out more or prove your curiosity and

Google "Canada meteor"

Oh, sorry for shouting but check out this CTV (Canada TV) website . About 5 more videos to watch and a map of the HUGE area where it might have landed. Then check out the $10,000 REWARD for finding a one Kilogram chunk.

OK can't get away for a trip to Saskatchewan. (Thanksgiving with relatives, huh!) then check out these craters or get curious and find out the difference between meteors, meteorites and meteoroids. ...and when is the next meteor shower anyway? Will the moon be full that night making it too bright to see the meteors?
So what do you think?
Oh I had to hide the comments, so just email me if you have a comment.

Monday, November 24, 2008

What was that?

What was THAT!!!!!!
You know that some thought that aliens were landing...
But really --
Now they are searching for a very big hole in Alberta, Canada.

Make a comment when you hear more about this in the news.

Stem Cells Saved Her Lung

Watch CBS Videos Online

What do you think? Make a comment.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Taking Advantage

Today we worked with pulleys trying to maximize mechanical advantage.